Archive for the "Events" Category

16.10.2012 Post in Events, Interview

InstaForex always provides you with the latest updates on international market events as well as company’s news. Today we would like to tell you about an exceptional situation. Despite its originality, it demonstrates the unique opportunities you can get on exchange market. Recently, one of our clients Akhmad Arief made the daydream of millions of… Read more

28.09.2012 Post in Events

InstaForex Company continues to make surprises to its clients offering a great variety of contests and campaigns, making their trading qualitative and joyful. The campaign Trade Wise, Win Device provides every customer of the company with the opportunity to become the owner of a modern device: iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy Tab. According to… Read more

21.09.2012 Post in Events

InstaForex booth was in the business center in Radisson Royal Hotel, one of the best in Moscow. The company provided thorough information about wide range of its services. Our representatives told about various offers to make Forex trading more profitable. Moreover, every guest of the exhibition could become a member of exclusive InstaForex club and… Read more

24.08.2012 Post in Events

InstaForex broker invites its clients to take part in the drawing of fancy gadgets which is held as a part of Trade Wise, Win Device campaign. Each fortnight you have a great opportunity to become one of the lucky owners of 12 brand new devices: iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and Samsung Galaxy Tab. Top up your… Read more

24.04.2012 Post in Events

On Sunday, April 8, InstaFx Education Centre started a forex workshop with the topic “Memulai Berinvestasi dan Trading Forex dengan Aman dan Benar”. The event took place at the Wisata Hotel, Jl.Merdeka No.5 Purwokerto. The workshop, which lasted for two days, was attended by 24 participants from the Purwokerto city and surrounding areas. The lectures… Read more